Planning site
Areas affected by the flood of river Svete in the city Jelgava, Latvia
Planning area
367 ha
Current land use
Current land use in the flood area consists of detached housing, allotments, business and natural areas. Major flood events happen in the territory in every ten years.
Future land use
Jelgava city territory plan is legally valid and new housing will be built in the area in the future. In 2006, the city commissioned a study on the situation on flood territory of the river Svete and had a model with flood maps (with 1%; 5%; 10%; 25% probability) made.
Site specific flood water challenge
In the springtime, when snow is melting, a lot of water flows into the river from the territory and causes floods in the area of the city.
The surface water drainage system of the city consists of a main draining ditch, a channel and a stormwater sewerage system. The systems functions mostly by gravity. Therefore, the system stops working when the water level in the rivers rises and the ditches flood in the lower territories.
Location in watershed
The planning area is marked with a yellow line. Current storm water ditches are marked with wide cyan lines. The blue arrows indicate the direction of the flow.